Liberty Leadership

Click on the headshot to send one of our staff members an email.

Brian Branam

Lead Pastor
Brian has been the Lead Pastor of Liberty since 2012. Brian seeks God's vision for the church, shepherds the congregation, and serves as the main communicator on Sundays. Brian is the author of The Walk and Pulse. (B.A. Tennessee Temple University, M.Div.The New Orleans BaptistTheological Seminary)

Scott Young

Assistant Pastor/Evangelism
Scott is a full-time associate pastor who steers the evangelistic thrust of our vision to "Rescue People" through every facet of Liberty and serves as ministry leader of Celebrate Recovery.

Austin McBryar

Worship Leader
Austin shepherds our congregation in worship. He oversees the worship band and audio visual team. Austin also works with our Connect Student ministry to mentor them in all aspects of worship arts.

Jodi Miller

Jodi leads Liberty's DOCK children's ministry (1st - 5th grades). DOCK kids meet on Sunday mornings (10:30) and Wednesday nights (6:30)

Melissa Corn

Pre-School and Finance
Melissa works in a dual role at Liberty. She oversees our pre-school ministries and keeps account of the church's finances.

Mark Seay

Liberty Spring Place
Campus Pastor
Mark Seay shepherds people and carries out the ministries of Liberty at our Spring Place campus.

Shannon Branam

Media/Lead Pastor Assistant
Shannon works to communicate Liberty's message through marketing and social media. She also does all of the scheduling for our Lead Pastor.

Levi Bly

CONNECT Student Ministry
Levi leads Liberty's Connect Student Ministry for 6th - 12th graders. CONNECT meets regularly on Wednesday nights but offers a variety of activities throughout the year.