Time to get involved.

Here's what's going on at Liberty.


  • Prayer Meeting- We believe that prayer changes things. On the first Sunday night of every month we meet for the purpose of praying with and for each other. Join us tonight at 5pm for our prayer meeting and a free fellowship meal to follow. This month's dinner theme is Mexican fiesta.
  • Hope for the Hungry- This Wednesday, March 4th, is our Free Food Box distribution day. If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, drop by anytime between 10am- 1pm. No ID is required.
  • Liberty Classics Outing-  Our senior adult ministry will be taking a bus to Hamricks in Fort Oglethorpe on Tuesday, March 11th, leaving the church at 9:30 am. The group will have lunch at Golden Corral at 12:00, returning to the church around 2:30pm.
  • DNow Weekend- All students, 6th-12th grade are invited to attend DNow Weekend, March 14-16. This is an exciting opportunity for our youth to engage in powerful worship, great teaching, and lots of fun with each other. Cost is $30. To register, click here today!
  • Softball Registration - Church Softball registration is on Realm now and the last day to register is March 9th.  All players must be age 18 & up.  League games will be played on Monday nights between 6-9 pm (times are subject to change).  Season will start mid-March and go through early June.  Games will be held at Heritage Point Park off of the bypass.  See Carl Koneman or Bryson Williams for more info.

Events Calendar

Upcoming Events
Sunday and Wednesday Check-In Events