
Sundays 10:30 am

Liberty HWY 76 Campus


9:30 AM Life Groups

10:30 AM Worship


6:30 pm

The Man Church
Women's Bible Study
12-Step Groups
Nursery, GARDEN Pre-School,
DOCK Kids,  
& CONNECT Student Ministries


6:00 pm Free Meal

7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery

8:00 pm Small Groups

Liberty Spring Place Campus


5:30 PM Bible Study


6:30 PM Children and Youth Programs

You must each decide in your heart how much to give.
And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure.
“For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”
- 2 Corinthians 9:7


Prayer is a priority at Liberty (1 Timothy 2:1)  and we are ALWAYS open for prayer. Come anytime to our 24/7 prayer room located on the west side of the building.
  • The outside walkup is under video surveillance for your safety.
  • 1 person or party in the prayer room at a time.
  • If someone is inside, please wait until others exit before entering. 
  • Feel free to take a Bible or a devotional from the shelf if one is available. 
  • Isaiah 56:7c "For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples."

Latest Sermon

Check out the latest message from Liberty.

Are you certain you have eternal life?

In this video our Lead Pastor, Brian Branam, explains what it means to be born again, or how to have eternal life. This is the way you begin a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Below is a list of the Bible verses Brother Brian will use.
  • John 3:1-16
  • Romans 3:23
  • Romans 5:8
  • Romans 6:23
  • Romans 10:9-10
  • Romans 10:13

If you have more questions or if you prayed to receive salvation, please let us know.