When does Liberty gather for worship & discipleship?

Hebrews 10:25 says that we should not neglect to meet together. Did you know that loneliness is bad for your body and brain? God designed you for communion with Him and for community with His people. So when is the next time you can get together with us at Liberty?



Weekly Worship Gathering

10:30 am (Hwy. 76 Campus)
7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery (Hwy 76 Campus)
Free fellowship meal served each week at 6pm.


Weekly Discipleship Gatherings

9:30 AM Life Groups (Hwy. 76 Campus)
6:30 PM Liberty Spring Place Campus children’s and youth ministry
We also have D-Groups for ladies as well as men’s mentoring groups (ie. Every Man A Warrior). These groups are generally 2-4 people, meet at various places and at various times. The best way to get involved in a more intentional discipleship group is to get involved in Liberty. These groups form best through relationships.

Monthly Prayer Meetings

We gather for prayer on the 1st Sunday (5pm) and the 3rd Wednesday (7:30pm) of each month. During these prayer meetings we seek the Lord’s help, wisdom, provision, and will in our personal and corporate needs.
Liberty Baptist Church Chatsworth GA foyer

What can I expect at Liberty (planning my visit)?

Being new can be awkward – we get it! But we want you to connect quickly at Liberty. Would you like a call from our pastor or one of our staff members? We can even arrange for someone to meet you at the door and get you to where you want to go. Let us know how we can connect with you and help you feel welcome at Liberty. Follow this link to give us a little more information about you, your needs, what you’re seeking and how we can help. We will get in touch with you.
Liberty foyer
DOCK check-in at Liberty
Worship at Liberty

How should I dress?

Where do my children go?

How long do the services last?

We dress fairly casual at Liberty. Be comfortable but not distracting. We don’t want to be immodest or dress as if some are more important than others.
Enter through the main doors and check your child/children in at either the DOCK security station (1st – 5th grade) or the Garden pre-school security station. Just before the preaching part of the service our pastor will cue the children to be dismissed and meet the DOCK team. Parents will pick up their children at either the DOCK or The Garden after the service. Only children with a security sticker are allowed to leave their parents and go to the DOCK service.
Our worship services last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. 
 Service is at 10:30 am. Life Groups meet at 9:30 am.

What are the services like?

Why are 1st Sunday services different?

Where do I go on Wednesday nights?

We begin our services with an altar call to prayer. Generally there will be 2-3 congregational songs. We use a worship band (guitar, bass, keys, drums, etc). We sing mostly current worship songs but we haven’t forgotten the hymns. Our pastor typically preaches about 35 minutes and uses an ESV Bible. We have an altar call and prayer at the end of the service which provides people an opportunity to respond the message, receive prayer, and counsel.
The first Sunday of each month we encourage prayer and fasting. First Sundays are also communion Sundays. Our children stay in the service with us the entire time. Our pastor will include them in the message. We also want to teach our children to worship by giving them time in the service with their parents. We want them to see communion and ask questions. This gives parents an opportunity to be priestly for their children – to pray over them, minister to them, and share the gospel with them.
On Wednesday nights we have classes and gatherings in various locations around the campus. Start out in the main foyer. There will be a campus guide there that will help get you to the right spot. Generally you can expect to find (elevator available, handicap accessible):
  • Men – Fellowship Hall (1st floor)
  • Women – Classrooms (1st floor)
  • Kids – DOCK (1st floor)
  • Pre-school (2nd floor, main floor)
  • Students 6th – 12th grade (3rd floor, Connect space)

What are Thursday night Celebrate Recovery services like?

I have teenagers. What do you have for them?

What is Liberty’s denominational affiliation and doctrinal beliefs?

Thursday nights are for all of us with hurts, habits, and hangups. The worship service is energetic and up beat. Each week alternates between a message to help guide you through your recovery and a testimony of someone who has been where you are. CR services last 1 hour. Small groups follow the service.
Liberty is a great place for students. On Wednesday nights we offer a student worship service with messages geared to teens. Wednesdays also offer an opportunity for students to worship, lead worship, attend a small group, and get connected. Services begin at 6:30 but come early/hang out late; we have lots of space, games, and food! Throughout the year students have various services opportunities, retreats, and special event weekends. 
Liberty is an autonomous church that is pastor/staff led with a congregational form of governance. We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Conasauga Baptist Association. Our doctrinal statement is the 2000 version of the Baptist Faith and Message.
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. – Isaiah 61:1


Rescue People
People are created in the image of God.  Because of sin, people lose their way and their purpose.  The message of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death and victorious resurrection brings good news to those who are looking for new life.  The people of Liberty are willing to step into the mess of life and proclaim the life changing message of the gospel.
outreachShow Them What We Do
Liberty seeks to help people who feel as if they have lost their lives become leaders that impact others.  As people receive the love of Christ through Liberty, they learn to love others.  The ministries of Liberty are not ends, but missions that we seek to multiply in other places.
handsSend Them Out to Do What We Do

As America becomes increasingly post-church, the numbers of small congregations that close their doors are increasing. Closing churches will leave a landscape of empty spaces.  At Liberty, we see these spaces as replanting opportunities.  Our desire is to congregationalize our leaders and replant congregations using the Liberty model of mission and ministry.


When you give at Liberty you invest in life-changing ministries like Connect Student Ministries, the DOCK children’s ministry, Celebrate Recovery and much more. You are also sowing into missions partnerships Liberty has at home and around the world through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Conasauga Baptist Association here in Murray and Whitfield Counties. We also partner with local organizations like Beds for Kids, the Grace and Joy House, Providence Ministries, and the Women’s Enrichment Center. You make a difference when you give at Liberty.


Click this link to give via the REALM app.

When you click the link you will be directed to a
secure page that uses our REALM giving platform. 


How can we help you?



We are called to worship God (Psalm 95:6).  God is holy and worthy of our praise, thanks, and devotion (Psalm 66:1-4).  Worship begins with obedience, but includes activities such as prayer, preaching, and musical praise.  Liberty offers a celebrative atmosphere of worship that will help you connect to your Creator through His Son, Jesus Christ.



Life Groups are small gatherings of people who study the Bible together for the purpose of making friends and making changes.  The Christian life was not meant to be lived alone (Ephesians 2:19-22).  Liberty offers Life Groups for every age.  Pre-school groups are divided by age.  Children and Student groups are divided by grade.  Young Adult and Adult Life Groups are generally divided by life stage.  



Liberty’s Children’s Ministry is called The DOCK (Disciple Of Christ Kids).  We offer a variety of activities designed to help children have fun and learn about Christ.  We believe that childhood is a critical time of life in which children need to be loved, supported, and raised to know the God who created them.

Liberty MidWeek

On Wednesday nights (6:30pm) we have a class custom made for you.  Do you want to make friends and deepen your faith? Every semester of Liberty MidWeek gives you plenty of opportunity to do just that.  For the guys join us for The Man Church. Our ladies ministry offers a variety of Bible studies you can join week to week. Do you have a student? How about Connect Student Worship for teens 6th – 12th grade or The DOCK for children 1st – 5th grade? Wednesday mid-week also has a place for your pre-schooler to have fun for for your infant to be cared for in a safe, secure environment.


Navigating the teen years is difficult for both parents and students.  Liberty’s Connect Student Ministry is designed to give the entire family the support and life skills they need to build faith through what can be a difficult season of life.  At Liberty, students find a safe place to have fun, experience God, and learn to lead.  


We all have hurts, habits, and hangups.  Whether it is through a traumatic loss, chemical addiction, or co-dependency; there are some chains in life that are too hard to break.  A lot of recovery programs refer to a “higher power.”  We know who our higher power is, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Celebrate Recovery offers inspiring worship (Thursdays 7pm), small groups (8pm), and a 12-step recovery program (Wednesdays 6:30pm) for those who are ready to break the chains.  What you see here, say here, and hear here; stays here!


Liberty Staff

Click on each staff member’s name for email contact.
Brian Branam
Lead Pastor
Brian is the main communicator at Liberty. He seeks God’s vision for the church and shepherds our people to grow in Christ. Read more about Brian here.
Scott Young
Associate Pastor of Rescue Ministries:
Scott is a full-time associate pastor who steers the evangelistic thrust of our vision to “Rescue People” through every facet of Liberty and serves as ministry leader of Celebrate Recovery.
Austin McBryar
Worship Leader:
Austin shepherds our congregation in worship. He oversees the worship band and audio visual team. Austin also works with our Connect Student ministry to mentor them in worship arts
Jodi Miller DOCK Children's Ministry at Liberty
DOCK Children’s Ministry
Jodi leads Liberty’s DOCK children’s ministry (1st – 5th grades). DOCK kids meet on Sunday mornings (10:30) and Wednesday nights (6:30)
Mark Seay
Liberty Spring Place Campus Pastor:
Mark Seay shepherds people and carries out the ministries of Liberty at our Spring Place campus.
Melissa Corn
Melissa works in a dual role at Liberty. She oversees our pre-school ministries and keeps account of the church’s finances.
CONNECT Student Ministry:
Levi leads Liberty’s Connect Student Ministry for 6th – 12th graders. CONNECT meets regularly on Wednesday nights but offers a variety of activities throughout the year. 
Media/Pastor Assistant:       Shannon Branam
Shannon works to communicate Liberty’s message through marketing and social media. She also does all of the scheduling for our Lead Pastor.
Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
James 1:21

Recent Messages

Watch one of our recent messages and it will help you know more of what you can expect when you worship with us at Liberty.



Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. – Proverbs 3:5-8
Here’s where you’ll find us (Best GPS coordinate/address):
Liberty Hwy 76 – 4221 US-76 Chatsworth, GA 30705
Liberty Spring Place – 34.74619 N, 84.81631 W

Liberty on Social Media

Liberty 75th Anniversary

In 2024 we celebrate what God has done in the 75 years of Liberty Baptist Church. From a small gathering of 20 people to what we are today, Liberty is a great testimony of the redeeming love of Jesus Christ in our community. 

Awesome church with friendly members. Personally the Lord has moved and spoke to me through this church and others that I’ve visited. My testimony is much more than I can write in this post. The Lord has been at every service with me regardless of the location. Come and listen to the amazing musicians and great preacher. Remember the Lord can find you anywhere, a church is more than a building. It’s the people and there are some very nice people here.
 – Steven E

Church Calendar

Content on this site is the property of Liberty Baptist Church unless otherwise noted.  Reproduction or distribution without written consent of Liberty Baptist Church is prohibited.  Copyright 2017