Class: Middle School Girls
Area: Youth LifeGroup
Target Age Group: 6 through 8th Grades
Room: A129
Class Type: Weekly lesson with discussion
Middle School Girls: Our middle school girls lifegroup is a class designed to help your teenage girl sort through changing emotions, make wise life choices, and develop lasting friendships. This teaching team is guaranteed to guide your student through the awkward stages and toward a loving, gracious Savior. The lessons taught, discussions had, and relationships made in this class will become crucial in the life of your teen. She will never want to miss a Sunday.
Class: Middle School Boys
Area: Youth LifeGroup
Target Age Group: 6 through 8th Grades
Room: A127
Class Type: Weekly lesson with discussion
Middle School Boys: Our middle school boys lifegroup is a class devoted to leading teenage boys closer to Jesus through engaging discussions, stories, games, and, of course…snacks. The teaching team will come alongside your boys and assist in developing them into young men of integrity.
Class: High School Girls
Area: Youth LifeGroup
Target Age Group: 9th thru 12th Grades
Room: A125
Class Type: Weekly lesson with discussion
High School Girls: The teaching team in this class will ensure high school girls feel welcome, worthy, and loved all while modeling a strong, admirable walk of a Christ following woman. The spiritual conversations these ladies have help our teens to formulate God-honoring opinions and strengthen their confidence in their faith before the college years.
Class: High School Boys
Area: Youth LifeGroup
Target Age Group: 9th thru 12th Grades
Room: A123
Class Type: Weekly lesson with discussion
High School Boys: The teaching team in this group is devoted to transforming boys into men by demonstrating a steady walk with Jesus. The focus here is engaging boys in spiritual conversations, and helping them strengthen their maturing relationships with Jesus. This group will keep your teen boy laughing, forming friendships, and making memories through the tough high school years.