Jun 22, 2023
Creation, Distortion, Redemption the power of a redeemed and responsible man
Session 10 – The Sex Talk
Most people think the Bible is prudish on sex. But the Bible's message is that within marriage, a man and a woman should be having sex and learning how to enjoy one another. 1 Corinthians 7 provides one of many passages I would consider as "sex talks" in Scripture. Here are some principles for men on how to have great sex within marriage. "session 10 the sex talk". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 22, 2023Session 10 – The Sex Talk
    Jun 22, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption the power of a redeemed and responsible man
    Session 10 – The Sex Talk
    Most people think the Bible is prudish on sex. But the Bible's message is that within marriage, a man and a woman should be having sex and learning how to enjoy one another. 1 Corinthians 7 provides one of many passages I would consider as "sex talks" in Scripture. Here are some principles for men on how to have great sex within marriage. "session 10 the sex talk". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 21, 2023Session 9 – Is it Ever Just Sex?
    Jun 21, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption men's Bible curriculum
    Session 9 – Is it Ever Just Sex?
    Our culture is casual when it comes to sex. Pornography is rampant and sexual confusion is prevalent. Isn't sex just an appetite of the body like eating or sleeping? If so, what's the big deal? It's just sex. The Corinthian culture was much like our own. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 helps men understand why it's never just sex. "session 9". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 20, 2023Session 8 – Walk Like a Man
    Jun 20, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption the power of a redeemed and responsible man
    Session 8 – Walk Like a Man
    Our culture seeks to blur the gender lines. What does the Bible say about this? 1 Corinthians 11:1-12 sends a clear message to men. Men ought to be distinctly men! https://www.feelmyfaith.com/p/creation-distortion-redemption-mens.html "Session 8". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 20, 2023Session 7 – Masculinity and Responsibility
    Jun 20, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption men's Bible curriculum
    Session 7 – Masculinity and Responsibility
    Men are to be the spiritual leaders of their homes as well as in their churches. Leadership isn't about power, but influence and responsibility. In this session, we look at 1 Timothy 2:8-15 and glean some areas of a man's responsibilities. "session 7 Masculinty and Responsibility". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 1, 2023Session 6 – Badly Behaving Men
    Jun 1, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption men's Bible curriculum
    Session 6 – Badly Behaving Men
    Now that we have introduced how sin brought about distortion in the story of manhood, it should be no surprise to now see some badly behaving men. In this session, we will look at 3 men who give us textbook examples of how sin affects men. "Badly Behaving Men Session 6". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 1, 2023Green Lights of God’s Leading in Your Life
    Jun 1, 2023
    Ananias Gospel Sherpa
    Green Lights of God’s Leading in Your Life
    How do you know if God is leading you to do something? Wouldn't you like to get some clear green lights of the Lord's leading in your life? In this message, Brian continues to use the example of Ananias in Acts 9 to show the qualities of a disciple-maker. Ananias was spiritually sensitive. The Lord spoke to him clearly and Ananias responded by doing what God told him to do. How about you? This message is the 3rd in a series entitled Ananias, Gospel Sherpa. Find more content from Brian at FeelMyFaith.com. "Green Lights of God's Leading in Your Life". Released: 2023.
  • Jun 1, 2023Session 5 – The Curse
    Jun 1, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption men's Bible curriculum
    Session 5 – The Curse
    Sin brings distortion into 3 critical relationships for men. What is God's solution and how does redemption change the heart of a man? CORRECTION: Brian says this is session 4, but it is actually session 5. You are right. He is wrong! :) Stay with it! "Session 5 The Curse". Released: 2023.
  • May 31, 2023Session 4 – How to look at Women
    May 31, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption men's Bible curriculum
    Session 4 – How to look at Women
    There are a lot of influences in sin and culture that influence how men look at women. But what does the Bible say about women and how men should relate to them? In this session Brian shares 4 words from the Creation story that provide a Biblical lens for how men should look at women. "Session 4 - How to look at women". Released: 2023.
  • May 24, 2023Session 3: WHY is a Man?
    May 24, 2023
    Creation, Distortion, Redemption the power of a redeemed and responsible man
    Session 3: WHY is a Man?
    A man has to know WHY he is if he wants to know WHAT God wants him to do with his life. "WHY is a Man?". Released: 2023.
  • May 23, 2023Are You Just a Christian or a True Disciple?
    May 23, 2023
    Ananias Gospel Sherpa
    Are You Just a Christian or a True Disciple?
    The word "Christian" should mean a lot but in our culture, it really doesn't mean much. But the word "disciple" is measurable. It is verifiable. A disciple is evidenced by decisions, habits, and commitment. It requires life change. Your faith should get in the way of your life, not your life in the way of your faith. In Acts 9, Ananias is described as a "disciple at Damascus." In this message, we look at 5 statements Jesus makes about what it means to be His disciple. "Are You Just a Christian or a True Disciple". Released: 2023.