Mar 11, 2019
When False Religions Deceive
By: Brian Branam
Series: Engaging Culture
In a culture of fake news there is also "fake faiths." How can you tell what is true? "when false religions deceive". Released: 2019.
- Mar 11, 2019When False Religions DeceiveMar 11, 2019When False Religions DeceiveBy: Brian BranamSeries: Engaging CultureIn a culture of fake news there is also "fake faiths." How can you tell what is true? "when false religions deceive". Released: 2019.
- Feb 18, 2019When Stuff ConsumesFeb 18, 2019When Stuff ConsumesBy: Brian BranamSeries: Engaging CultureAsking these three questions can help you as a consumer save money, stress, and even your soul. "when stuff consumes audio". Released: 2019.
- Feb 10, 2019Questions about Marriage and FamilyFeb 10, 2019Questions about Marriage and FamilyBy: Brian BranamSeries: Engaging CultureHow do we take a strong stand for marriage, but also create a safe place when marriage fails? "questions about marriage and family". Released: 2019.
- Feb 10, 2019Questions about Substance AbuseFeb 10, 2019Questions about Substance AbuseSeries: Engaging CultureHow does redemption in Christ rewire our response to addictive behavior? "How the gospel rewires our response to addictive behavior". Released: 2019.