Oct 17, 2021
Reset the Economy, Experience Liberty
By: Brian Branam
After a few days off are you refreshed and ready to go back to work, or are you broke, burnt, and bloated? Instead of using our vacations and holidays to spend too much and eat too much we can learn how to add meaning to our days by examining the schedule of holy days God prescribed for Israel. "reset the economy experience liberty". Released: 2021.
- Oct 17, 2021Reset the Economy, Experience LibertyOct 17, 2021Reset the Economy, Experience LibertyBy: Brian BranamAfter a few days off are you refreshed and ready to go back to work, or are you broke, burnt, and bloated? Instead of using our vacations and holidays to spend too much and eat too much we can learn how to add meaning to our days by examining the schedule of holy days God prescribed for Israel. "reset the economy experience liberty". Released: 2021.
- Oct 3, 2021How to Have a HolidayOct 3, 2021How to Have a HolidayBy: Brian BranamAfter a few days off are you refreshed and ready to go back to work, or are you broke, burnt, and bloated? Instead of using our vacations and holidays to spend too much and eat too much we can learn how to add meaning to our days by examining the schedule of holy days God prescribed for Israel. "how to have a holiday audio". Released: 2021.
- Sep 19, 2021Tattoos and PolyesterSep 19, 2021Tattoos and PolyesterBy: Brian BranamIf you've ever had a debate about tattoos, it's probably been with a person wearing polyester who brought up Leviticus 19:28. Is it a sin to get a tattoo? "tattoos fortune tellers and polyester". Released: 2021.
- Sep 12, 2021Yom Kippur, Your Appointment With AtonementSep 12, 2021Yom Kippur, Your Appointment With AtonementBy: Brian BranamLeviticus 16 describes Yom Kippur, our appointment with atonement. Why has God made His people an appointment for atonement? Because we sin so much and in so many ways. "yom kippur our appointment for atonement -404693580524770182".
- Sep 8, 2021Sin and SicknessSep 8, 2021Sin and SicknessBy: Brian Branam
Leviticus 12-15 are strange chapters of Scripture about rashes, baldness, skin discoloration, blood issues, and diseases. When sick, God did not send His people to a physician, but a priest. Is the Bible superstitious and unscientific? What does it mean to be truly healed?
"Sin and Sickness". Released: 2021
- Aug 29, 2021A Diet for Spiritual SchizophrenicsAug 29, 2021A Diet for Spiritual SchizophrenicsBy: Brian BranamThe dietary laws in Leviticus 11 seem arbitrary. What is their purpose? The answer comes in verses 44 and 45. This is a diet for spiritual schizophrenics to help us get a grip on the reality of an ever-present God. The borders of holiness expand from the Tabernacle to the table. "a diet for spiritual schizophrenics". Released: 2021.
- Aug 22, 2021Tragic Worship FailsAug 22, 2021Tragic Worship FailsBy: Brian BranamWe have a worship problem. How do we correct our tragic worship fails? "Tragic Worship Fails". Released: 2021.
- Aug 15, 2021Mugshots of BlasphemyAug 15, 2021Mugshots of BlasphemyBy: Brian BranamWhat is the profile of a person so bad that even God has given up on them? You may be surprised. The Bible gives you their mugshot. "mugshots of blasphemy". Released: 2021.
- Aug 8, 2021Your Dumb Dirty PastorAug 8, 2021Your Dumb Dirty PastorBy: Brian BranamThe popular podcast The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill reminds us that pastors and churches can fail. How do you keep the moral failure of a spiritual leader from becoming a failure in your faith?
- Aug 1, 2021The Law of the CookoutAug 1, 2021The Law of the CookoutBy: Brian BranamIs your time with God more like takeout or a cookout? Learn how to get in the presence of God through Bible reading and prayer.