Rescue People
People are created in the image of God. Because of sin, people lose their way and their purpose. The message of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death and victorious resurrection brings good news to those who are looking for new life. The people of Liberty are willing to step into the mess of life and proclaim the life changing message of the gospel.
Show Them What We Do
Liberty seeks to help people who feel as if they have lost their lives become leaders that impact others. As people receive the love of Christ through Liberty, they learn to love others. The ministries of Liberty are not ends, but missions that we seek to multiply in other places.
Send Them Out to Do What We Do
As America becomes increasingly post-church, the numbers of small congregations that close their doors are increasing. Closing churches will leave a landscape of empty spaces. At Liberty, we see these spaces as replanting opportunities. Our desire is to congregationalize our leaders and replant congregations using the Liberty model of mission and ministry.